Happy New Year!

Welcome to a new year!

I have always thought of September as the start of a new year; not January 1st.

Working and teaching at a college for so many years after my own schooling kept me in a perpetual academic calendar. My life has changed in many ways since I left Queens 5 years ago, but my business still works on that academic calendar.  I don’t have kids, and most of my singing clients these days are adults, yet summer represents a break time, and September, a time for renewal, beginning again.

Fitting, as the season changes today. I also realized how appropriate it is that the Jewish faith celebrates their new year in the fall. While not Jewish myself, I have had the privilege of singing with a local Temple congregation the last few years and get to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur services, which represent the Day of Atonement, with my Jewish friends. The 10 Days of Awe in between the holidays are a period of introspection and repentance, to do better, be better, better our communities, this new year… their year of 5779!

I typically see an uptick in business in September. Students return to school, getting back into a regular routine adding extra-curricular activities. This year is a little different. Maybe because I’m teaching more adults these days. Maybe because Hurricane Florence had everyone in our area anxious for a good week or two as people were trying to settle into that routine. Maybe because the universe is allowing me to work on a few projects that I’ve been dreaming about for a couple of years but haven’t taken the time because I’ve been ‘busy’. Hence my post! I’ve had a list of topics to write about for years, but my own anxiety about writing, and exposing that part of myself, has kept me paralyzed. I think my impatience has won out though! So, you’ll be hearing from me more often.

I’ve subscribed to Danielle LaPorte’s “Letters of Renewal” this month, one a day. She says it is to “See yourself more clearly. LET GO. REFRESH. RISE.” I don’t know if you can get them retroactively, but go to her site to find out, or get on the list for the last week.


If you’re ready to start something new, like singing, consider booking a lesson and exploring what that would be like. I’ve got a few openings and I’d love to continue my love of educating folks on how to use their voice, and how to love their voice. I’m especially loving working with adults who may need some healing around singing.


One last thing… in order for me to publish this and future writings, I’m not obsessing for everything to be perfect - punctuation, grammar, etc. I could send each one to my mother, former English teacher, but that seems excessive. So, while I sat for maybe 5 minutes if “their voice” or “their voices” was correct, I’m betting you know what I mean. I’m a smart cookie, but I don’t remember all of the rules. Please forgive those mistakes. Feel free to correct me! I’m an educator who loves to learn!

Here’s to starting a new year of clarity, finding things/moments that inspire us, and striving for kindness and understanding with everyone we meet.

“Shana tova” (Happy New Year!)

